There are a wide variety of treatment options offered by both medical and natural health providers.
Most doctors are focused on pain and symptom relief (secondary conditions) and they typically do a good job. People often start with medications which can alter pain receptors. If that doesn’t help enough, a physical therapist is often seen to strengthen muscular weakness, address spasm, or increase mobility.
When these have not corrected the problem, more invasive approaches such as stronger pharmaceuticals, injections and surgeries are often utilized. All of these treatments have a time and a place and may be appropriate for different goals.
Our objective is to transcend the idea of short term pain relief and long term pain suppression. We aim to restore structural and neurological integrity so you can heal properly. We aim to facilitate your progress and create sustainable change. We aim to help you become healthier and more resilient than you were, even before your problem arose.
As this is under way, Dr. Blatt will arm you with the proper self-care tools to further enhance the progress we make and to help optimize your body chemistry, immunity, as well as your mental and emotional wellbeing.
Dr. Blatt has built excellent relationships with some of the best health care providers in the community. If during your consultation he finds that you require a different type of care or if Chiropractic is not the right fit, we will make sure to find the best practitioner to help resolve your specific condition.
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